A Paradigm

The principle of paradigms was made popular by the book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” by Steven R. Covey.

A Paradigm Can Be Defined As

One that serves as a pattern or model. A set or list of all the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: the paradigm of an irregular verb. Paradigm a set of assumptions, concepts, values, practices and beliefs held by an individual, group or a civilization which they hold to be true and precludes them from seeing other possibilities. Rare, radical changes in thought or scientific views. : an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way This discovery will bring about a paradigm shift in our understanding of evolution. Learn More about paradigm shift.

A paradigm is a person’s frame of reference. A person’s paradigm is how they see the world based on all the information that they have gathered and the beliefs that they possess.

If the universe is analogized to a computer processor, a paradigm is like the operating system. A paradigm can be upgraded with new information on how the principles of the universe work.

A Paradigm Shift

Most people believe that their own paradigm is the only paradigm that exists. This is why two people with two paradigms can disagree with each other, and each one can logically explain why they are right. By the nature of duality, it is easy to declare one person “right” and the other person “wrong.” Relativism tells us that each person is right within their own frame of reference.

Paradigm changes tend to come in emotional, “ah-ha” moments, that change the way a person sees things. Their “operating system” has upgraded, allowing them to understand things in a new light.

A paradigm shifting without a clutch

It is important to realize that people operate in different paradigms. When two people disagree, their paradigms are at odds. If they would take the time and energy to understand the other person’s frame of reference, they might be able to get on the same page.