Unity Mmd

MMD model can be easily imported into DesktopMMD, you just need import MMD PMX model file into Unity and make some small adjustments then you can export the model file and import into. Download and extract PMD / PMX Model, copy whole folder to Unity Assets folder Then you’ll found there’s a MMD4Mecanim assets file (It has Unity logo) Read the License agreement and then click process. If you have a VMD File (MMD’s Motion data), copy your VMD data to Unity Assets and put your VMD to Animation Clip field. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.


Unity mmd download

DVVR is a realtime MMD viewer made with Unity engine. The idea is to leverage the modern rendering techniques and scripting capabilities from Unity Engine to give the MMD community a powerful viewer for them to enjoy their content on both desktop platforms and VR.

DVVR is not yet-another ordinary MMD player. In addition to loading the model and playing the motion, we have tons of hard work put in to handling the model & motion in real-time, to ensure the best outcome possible.

  • We broke the barrier between different model poses, T pose or A pose all work fine with any motion you find.
  • We fix bone structures on the fly, missing IK or wrong center position? No issue at all!
  • In addition to PMX models, we also support XPS models, they are usually better quality and more realistic than traditional PMXs. No conversion required!
  • Floor penatraiton? Not an issue any more! We implemented a robust algorithm to keep feet on the floor on every frame!
  • We use a custom made IK solver to eliminate jittering and allow for motion blending & post processes for pose modifiers.

In addition to the above, we also have lots of addons & modifiers to enhance the experience

  • Easy adjustable lighting & environment control
  • Models makes eye contact with viewer automatically
  • They blink, breath and makes micro movements like a real human does
  • Material modifiers for special effect like latex, chrome & glossness adjustments
  • Controllable pose modifiers that blends motion on the fly

And there are more coming with each release!

Getting started


No installation is required, simply unzip and run once you have your content folder prepared.

Content preparation

The app does not come with any model or dance motion, but they shouldn’t be very difficult to find if you search for MMD motion download or model download.

Here is a guide on where to find and how to prepare your content for DVVR. Adobe illustrator free download mac mega.

From 0.9 release DVVR supports loading content from zip archives and is available on mobile platforms suchs as standalone VR headsets & mobile phones & tablets. Preparing content for those platforms can be different from that for a PC. Please read the above page for more details.

Please be aware that the developer of this program does not take any responsibility for the content loaded by the user. The user is responsible to to ensure that all the content that they use with DVVR satisfy all the legal & copyright requirements.

Pro and Lite versions

The Lit version (previously called public release) doesn’t include advance features (Such as raytracing, auto motion, multiple actors etc). However the basic functionalities are all there, including VR. The Lite version on LW pipeline is free. The Pro version contains the advanced features and is the quickest to get updates. It is available on all render pipelines including raytracing. It is only avaialble for patrons or if you purchase from https://alloystorm.itch.io/dvvr.

Render pipelines

We currently have HD (HD render pipeline), LW (Universal render pipeline) and RT (Raytracing enabled) pipelines in parallel.

LW provides the best framerate,

RT has the best image quality through raytracing but is not available in VR,

HD has great render quality and is also available in VR.


Latest builds are published on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/dvvr


The app can be controled with keyboard, xbox controller or VR controllers.Available controls are listed in this page


Visit our Youtube channel for demos & tutorials:


Also available on LBRY.


Support us

The best way to support us is to download DVVR, use it and give us feedback. And if you like it, please recommend DVVR to your friends.

You can fund us through Patreon or purchase from here https://alloystorm.itch.io/dvvr

Updates will be published on Patreon first and patrons have access to Pro versions & HD & RT builds depending on your tier.

Terms & Conditions

By using this program, the user agrees that they take full responsiblity for the content that they use with the program and that all the content that are used meet all the legal & copyright requirements. The developer of DanceViewerVR does not take any responsibility for the content created or downloaded by the user.


  • Windows Desktop
  • MacOSX
  • VR Platforms
    • Windows MR
    • OpenVR
    • Oculus
    • Oculus Standalone coming soonDue to hardware availability, the VR experience is developed on and garenteed to work on Windows MR platform but should also work on any headset supporting OpenVR or Oculus including Rift and VIVE thanks to Unity engine XR system.

Bug report & comment

For feature request or bug report, please use the GitHub issue tracking system.

Unity Mmd

Be more efficient in HDRP to make mmd!

Vrchat Hair Mmd


Download and import the unitypackage to you project from the release tab.

After import the package, the “MMDExtensions” menu will appear.

1.2.0 Update:

Unity Mmd

New inspector window build with UIWidgets

For now, only Material Lib works, in this section, you can apply material to gameobject by click on list

The latest tweets from @BreeNewsome. The latest tweets from @GavinNewsom. The latest tweets from @cagovernor. Newsom

1.1.3 Update:

Now you can only select the materials without select specific pmx file, but you can still specify the pmx file if you want

Upgrade Blender Materials

For the fbx model that export from blender mmdtools or Cats, you need to extract the material just like what we just do, because of the different of material name, we don’t merge the function together, so agin, you need to select both pmx file and materials just extracted and click Upgrade Blender Materials.

1.1.3 Update:

Now you can only select the materials without select specific pmx file, but you can still specify the pmx file if you want

1.1.0 Update:

Now you can find the menu item in both title bar and right click context menu.


MMD Extensions for material

Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP)

For the model converted by MMD4Mecanim, you can use Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP) to convert material that create by MMD4Mecanim. But first, you need to delete all the shader that contains in the MMD4Mecanim package, you can find them in Assets/MMD4Mecanim/Shaders.

To use this function, you’ll need to extract all the materials from the fbx inspector by click the Extract Materials button.

Then you need to select both pmx file and materials just extracted and click Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP).

Upgrade ABC Model Material

For the abc model exported from MMD Bridge, you need to select both you abc model in the hierarchy and the pmx you use in MMD Bridge, then click Upgrade ABC Model Material, it will ask you to save the new materials where you can modify them later.

Create Materials From Textures

This use to create materials from the textures you selected, new materials will be save in the same folder level but the folder will be named as Materials

MMD Extensions for VMD file

There are two method in the VMD menu that use for create camera animation and morph animation

Create Camera Animation

For create a camera animation clip, you need to right click on a vmd file that used for camera and click Create Camera Animation, it will create a new clip in the same place.

Create Morph Animation

Unity Mmd Models

For create a morph animation clip, you need to select the game object in the hierarchy where a mesh renderer has the BlendShapes property, then select the vmd file and click Create Morph Animation, it will create a new clip in the same place.