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Piers Corbyn, the brother of former UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, has been circulating leaflets around London -- including the highly Jewish-populated area of Barnet, comparing the UK government's coronavirus vaccination campaign to the Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz during the Holocaust.

Our twitter feed - @PiersCorbyn and facebook page also carry leading weather and solar activity forecast reports and news. Long-range monthly forecasts for Britain & Ireland, Europe and USA are available with normally normally 6 to 8 weather sub-periods per month via the web with look ahead times up to 30d (days), 45d, 100d and 4 / 5 months. Piers Richard Corbyn (born 10 March 1947) is an English weather forecaster, businessman, activist, anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist. He is the elder brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Born in Wiltshire, Corbyn was raised in Shropshire where he attended Adams' Grammar School.He was awarded a first class BSc degree in physics from Imperial College London in 1968 and a. Meghan Markle and Piers Morgan were friendly on Twitter, following a direct message the now-Duchess was said to have sent the TV presenter. Jeremy Corbyn's bid to abolish monarchy destroyed.

On the front page of the leaflets appeared a picture of the infamous gate at the entrance of the Auschwitz death camp, but instead of the Nazi slogan ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ was written 'Vaccines Are Safe Path To Freedom,’ taking a headline from the Evening Standard newspaper and distorting its message, the Jewish Chronicle (JC) reported.
Piers Corbyn's 'Stop new normal' organization claimed they were responding to a 'farcical newspaper headline.'Leaflet comparing Evening Standard headline to Auschwitz slogan (Credit: Screenshot)
Pierce corbin
The leaflet stated, “Vaccines are usually a gateway to morbidity and mortality. This cynical newspaper headline is in the tradition of the Nazi slogan Arbeit Macht Frei (work sets you free).'
According to the JC, the leaflet was first promoted on the website of Corbyn's organization on December 8 along with an attack on COVID-19 vaccines with the headline on the website saying “Piers Corbyn asks – Do we need a war on COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ propaganda?”The story was first broken by political website Guido Fawkes. The Auschwitz Memorial responded to their story on Twitter saying Corbyn's comparison was 'an appalling symptom of moral and intellectual decline.'
Instrumentalization of the tragedy of people who suffered and were murdered in concentration & extermination camps as a result of ideology of hatred in order to argue against vaccination that saves human lives is an appalling symptom of moral and intellectual decline.

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— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) December 16, 2020Piers corbyn twitter The 'Stop new normal' website explains that Corbyn's movement is 'dedicated to campaigning and uniting-in-action the many groups fighting the COVID-19 Contagion fear measures which have cut living standards, jobs, rights and freedoms.'
Earlier this month, Piers Corbyn has been found guilty of breaching emergency health regulations at an anti-lockdown protest in London’s Hyde Park, the Guardian reported, as he was 'non-compliant' when officers asked him to leave.

Piers Corbyn has been arrested by police over leaflets that compare the UK's COVID vaccine rollout to the Holocaust.

The anti-lockdown campaigner, the elder brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, told Sky News he had been bailed after attending a police station.

Officers had investigated the distribution of leaflets after they were heavily criticised by Mr Corbyn's local council.

He confirmed the leaflets in question were the same as one that appears on his 'Stop New Normal' website, which includes the words 'vaccines are safe path to freedom' above the gates of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Dna deezer. Mr Corbyn denied that the leaflets were offensive.

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'The statement that vaccines are the path to freedom is false, as indeed was the Nazi claim that work is the path to freedom,' he told Sky News.

'It's not offensive, what happened in the Holocaust was horrible and offensive - that isn't really what this question is about.'

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He added he had given a 'full rebuttal' to police after his 'voluntary arrest'.

'They phoned me and wanted to question me so I volunteered to go to the police station,' Mr Corbyn said.

'When there they said they would like to arrest me so they can look into anything that was about my person or about my flat.'

The Met Police said that officers 'investigating reports of malicious material in the form of a leaflet being circulated in south London in late January have made two arrests'.

'A 73-year-old man was arrested in Southwark on Wednesday, 3 February on suspicion of malicious communications and public nuisance,' Scotland Yard added in a statement.

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'A 37-year-old man was arrested earlier the same day in Bow, east London, on suspicion of a public order offence.

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'Both men were taken to a south London police station. They have since been bailed to return on a date in early March.'

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The Met Police said the leaflet 'contained material that appeared to compare the COVID-19 vaccination programme with the Holocaust'.

Labour's Neil Coyle, the MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, had earlier thanked police for their 'swift response to this despicable material' and for those who reported the 'vile leaflet'.