Gamer Opera

Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically to complement gaming. The browser includes unique features to help you get the most out of both gaming and browsing. Bioware has offered an in-depth look at the visual differences between the original Mass Effect trilogy and the upcoming Mass Effect Legendary Edition in a new trailer and accompanying blog post. Underwater after effects. – Opera acquires YoYo Games, a Scottish company known as the game engine developer GameMaker Studio 2. This acquisition is worth 10 million US dollars.

Gaming operations

Opera has also launched a gaming division to reach out to gamers via the Opera GX browser.

By annexing YoYo Games, Opera plans to expand the company’s monetization in the gaming industry through the Opera GX browser service. Specifically, Opera will integrate Opera GX services with the GameMaker Studio 2 engine.

Opera Browser Gaming Browser

We focus on a few segments that are truly growing and meaningful. Therefore, we decided to switch to the gaming industry, “said Krystian Kolondra as EVP Browsers at Opera.

Although he has mastered GameMaker Studio 2, Opera does not seem to intend to create an exclusive game that can only run on Opera GX.

Gaming Operating System

offers GameMaker Pro 2 software to developers and creates a community among Opera GX users.

Opera GX itself is a browser specially designed for online game players. Since its launch in June 2019, Opera GX now has more than 380 million active users.


Meanwhile, GameMaker Studio 2 is a 2D game engine commonly used by indie game developers. This game engine is considered superior because it can create games on various platforms, starting from PC, Android, iOS, and consoles.

Game Browser Opera

According to YoYo Games General Manager Stuart Poole, GameMaker 2 has been used by the company since 2012.

Is Opera Gaming Browser Safe

Some of the popular games that have been created through this game engine include Risk of Rain, Undertale, and Hyper Light Drifter. Winzip mac 8 pro.