Reddit Bartender

How to Get Better Bartender Tips According to Reddit Users

I get this one from time to time too. I, the bartender, know exactly how much I poured in your drink. You got 2.25oz altogether of spirit. If your face doesn't scrunch up in disgust, that's because it's a FUCKING COCKTAIL and it's SUPPOSED to taste good. Here' let me take that back and make it taste gross for you. Not sure if this is a well known fact already, but after talking to my doctor briefly about worsening foot pain after shifts, and after trying several types of insoles and supportive shoes, she suggested it could be caused by poor blood circulation from standing for too long.

Of course, the function of a bartender is to make drinks, but the bartender’s profession is in hospitality. If you patrons aren’t leaving happy, your pockets will end up empty. When it comes to increasing bartender tips, your restaurant customer service matters just as much as your drink skills.

It’s no surprise that making better tips as a bartender depends on your ability to entertain your customers.

Thanks to the wisdom of Reddit, here are some popular tips and bartender tricks for making better tips as a bartender via increasing the happiness of your guests.

“Making drinks is easy. Making people happy is an art.”

Treat Your Guests Like Guests

This might seem obvious, but this was the overarching sentiment of all the advice on Reddit. Even when they’re getting rowdy, your customers are your guests at the end of the day, and most bartenders on a variety of threads point to treating them as such as the way to great tips.

“Be a host. Shops have customers, bars have guests. Treat everyone as if they were invited to a party in your own home,” notes Reddit user DeadParrot21. The user continues by explaining that what makes bars stand out from drinking at home is the experience, and that’s what bartenders are really selling. “Making drinks is easy. Making people happy is an art,” they conclude.

Sharpen Your Speed in High Volume Environments

In some spots, quality time spent with your customers is what will earn you better tips, but in some places, like high volume clubs, it’s all a numbers game. When the music’s too loud for you to hold a conversation with them anyway, you’ve got to reduce your customers’ wait times in order to bring home the dough. In situations like this, one Reddit user puts it this way: “…you need to push out as many drinks as possible. You are looking to increase the volume as much as you can. All of the little tips add up over the course of the night.”

“Shops have customers, bars have guests. Treat everyone as if they were invited to a party in your own home.”

Reddit Bartender Resume

In order to pick up the pace, the same user advises mastering helping multiple customers at a time by making the drinks for one group while taking the orders of another, for example. Keeping all of your drink making supplies in arms reach as best you can is also advised—that way you won’t waste time running to the other end of the bar and back.

Listen and Pay Attention

If you’re on the other end of the volume spectrum, listening to your guests—I mean really listening—is the ticket. One Reddit user explains that bartenders can get better tips by “listening to the customers at the counter. Some of them have good stories, some have bad, [but] all you need to do is listen” to increase your cash at the end of the night.

If listening attentively isn’t your strong suit, there are other ways that you can show your guests that you’re paying attention to them. “Remember what people are drinking [and] ask, ‘same again?’ when they come to the bar. Try to use the customer’s name and smile,” advises Reddit user Dusty_Clock.

Give Free Drinks

Reddit Bartender Salary

While not every place allows giving free drinks to customers, most do. If you work in a spot that’s O.K. with it, make the most of it. According to the Reddit user FreeSoloing, throwing in an occasional free drink and letting the guest know that the round is on you is the key. “It increases the customer’s experience and will make them more likely to come back. One free $5 drink can lead to making a customer a repeat customer [who] ends up spending [hundreds of dollars] at the bar [over time],” the user explains. FreeSoloing also adds that, even if the free drink doesn’t lead to repeat business, it’s likely to at least make them tip you the same amount that the drink cost.


Reddit Bartender Stories

Tell us, what are some of the tricks you use to make more tips at the bar?

The menu bar manager app Bartender 4 has just been updated with macOS Big Sur and M1 Macs support. The app gives the user control over the menu bar items, what’s displayed, and only showing the items when needed.

Bartender 4 was previously in beta test, and its final version has been released today. The app also brings new features and updates to its core abilities.

Bartender 4 gives you total control over your menu bar items (the icons at the right of your menu bar). It lets you hide any menu bar items you want but still quickly access them in a variety of ways, such as revealing your hidden menu bar items instantly when you mouse over the menu bar, or in its Bartender Bar beneath the menu bar, this is great if you have lots of menu bar items that wouldn’t fit easily in the menu bar itself. Speaking of lots of menu bar items, Bartender 4 also lets you reduce the amount of space between the menu bar items, allowing your space for more.

In this version, Bartender 4 introduces menu bars spacers, allowing the user to add spacers between groups of menu bar items that can be either just a configurable space, text, or even emoji.

Bartender Pick Up Lines

The app also improves the user’s interaction with the menu bar items with new triggers when they need attention. Searchability has also improved in this version. It now has a Spotlight-like interface with fuzzy search to very quickly find.

Online Bartender Recipes

Those who had the previous version of the app can save up to 50% off when buying Bartender 4. New users can have a four-week free trial and then buy the app for $15. You can download the app here.

Reddit Bartender Jokes

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